Wednesday, July 6, 2011

SkanD Angel (WaLL 1)

hello friends....
this is just a sample of what will be coming next...
Though few things remaining...
will be Modified in next versions of.
unfortunately...i can't show you people...all of them...
bcz for next 3  days I'll not be able to create any post..
so plz my friends...
Just keep patience till then..


  1. This is pretty cool mate..i liked the abstract design you have made..
    But I would like to see the angel a separate post in big size..

  2. well this is just a sample....mate..
    and angel you asked..

    well it will be displayed as a separate post..when i'll be back...

  3. wow.. that one really looks like an angel. It's certainly not the way you usually make Angels (because those look more like aliens to me).

    Also, I like the little white colored.. umm.. star type thing you have made. I think I have seen something like that before too.

  4. But the embedded pics are still small (may be because the width of the main content section is itself small (you can increase it in the design section).

    And angel in the small pic looked more like a trophy. If I ever win an award, I would like to have this trophy :)

  5. But why 2 pics of Skand? I think one is enough to tell it's your creation...

  6. olive

    this is creative .. again more of angel ;)and yes ,, whats d yellow round thing .. d leftstd .. is it some sorta fire ??? in dat case dnt kill d angel :P and if its her charisma .. i wanna steal it ! great work ;)
