Wednesday, July 20, 2011

SkanD LizarD...MirrorSSSSS

 Hello friends...
My lil cutie repltile
plz enjoy...!!!
Corel....Corel ..Corel Draw It is friend


  1. cool man! lizard got lost/confused in the mirror house..i like it!
    The lizard is looking cool too..

    I just have one problem with this one..that the left and right and top are not looking like mirrors convincingly..may be you should add more gloss..

  2. This goes on to show that you are just not a brilliant artist but also an intelligent person.

    Making a lizard inside a mirror box one thing, thinking about the idea is complete another. Great!

    I also have the same problem though, the mirror effect is not perfect. I mean see the sidebar mirrors, they are just copy of each other. I don't think the lizard will look the same from front and behind!

  3. right Ravs..from behind it should look different....
    and even from the top and bottom too..

    so seems like I have to make all four sides of this lizard...
    well let me try that....

  4. one more thing bro..since the mirror are confronting each other..there should be infinite number of lizards..

  5. hey bro ..It wud be difficult to handle..well let's am i gonnna do it..!!!
