Monday, August 22, 2011

SorrY to PK

Hey Pk this is An apology

Plz accept this

this is for not completeling that superb idea of yours
well it was like

My work was still incomplete
and in such condition it was just impossible
for me to make
Though I have implemented that
i mean i have outlined it
but only lil deatiling was reamining

well now Its of no use
so I M sorry PK
actually I just need I hour for that but culdn't
so sorry
sorry PK


  1. Hehe, nice way to apologize I say ;)

  2. haha :D that's not a problem mate..definitely not a reason to apologize, but still, as RavS said, very creative way to do it ;)
    Im sure you must have tried hard to do it :)
    Well I submitted that as it was when RavS commented on my comment, so no worries ;)

  3. and Im out of balance right now, so couldnt reply you on cell.
    Well I checked out the other contest's link that RavS gave in one of the previous post, it seems interesting and more challenging. Would be great to see you in that too, I'll obviously try too.

  4. It would have been funnier if the dialogues came out from somewhere else (you know what i mean ;)

  5. oh, I just noticed it was flash file rather than a gif. U have upgraded. Coo!

  6. I just somebody made a poster of Anna uncle in TOI. I thought bracing the occasion you may also want to try making a sketch of him. (Just giving an idea).

  7. From the top
    yeah it is! Thank You :-)
    THanK yoU PK 4 understading
    about the flash file
    I made it in 30 min(from scratch)
    I made it from 12 a.m to 12.30 a.m

    and about any other contest
    well I'll try but waht's the last date

    I am understading what you mean !
    but that would be lil awkward
    but u asked for it
    now wait for its second version ! :-)

    yes I have started uploading flash files
    Its KooL na

    where would it get posted
    If I make Then where would it been submitted.
    and aslo on what title I should make it!
    see I am not aware of outer world as i live in my world
    so know nothing more than anna is protesting for good thats all
    and govt. is really pissed by anna as he got the govt. on nerve

    so this is all I know about anna!

    THank you

  8. It's not about Anna's movement I am talking about. I am talking about Anna the personality.

    No it's not any competition or anything just a way of showing our support to the movement. Make it and post on FB (or something).

  9. so you tell me what should I make
    You tell ,I'll make
