Thursday, June 23, 2011

"PK"...D PrO...

My Friend cum BRO


  1. Yeah man.. You are right......It Resembles you....
    only differnce is ...
    I have it lil togher.....
    So do you like ur tough

    well I'll make one exactly like you next time..

    But before that....Its RavS turn.....:-))

  2. WeLLL PK..
    This was just simple....
    I draw ur face completely by taking one of your pic as refernce....simply...

    I made it CoreL DraW 13..!!!
    No all...

    So anything else you wanna know..

  3. 2 things:

    1. The picture embedded here is a little small. I had to click on it to check out the full resolution image (and in the process lost my comment also, so have to write it all over again).

    2. Yup it looks like PK (except for the little longer hair on the right side, haven't seen that style for... ever).

    And what's with the little white color in the partition of hair. Is it supposed to be PK of say 25 years from now?

  4. I see that you have removed the captcha for comment but made the comments subject to approval. Good to see you trying out things. I asked another guy to remove captcha from his blog months ago and he still hasn't done it.

  5. well...I think its time to learn as much as I can..
    So I am just trying...
    well hey RavS..
    Would you..plz...define "captcha"???..plz..

  6. Hmm..brilliant work!

    Well CAPTCHA is "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart"

    It is the thing you get while you are making new email ID or anything in which you have to write some letters in a box provided to verify that you are this one:

  7. Well u can learn more about CAPTCHA here

    But in short, it is kind of test that is given to prove that the person entering the info is a human. You must have entered it while making an account on some website. We basically deal with text captchas, but there are audio, video and other types of captchas as well.

    And I just got to know that CAPTCHA has a full form too. Check it out!
